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Ranger Crossfit is a strength and conditioing program unlike any other in South Texas. At RCF we follow CrossFit methods and philosohy. We care about athletes health and fitness and not their money. We build strong bodies, minds, and strong relationships. Our coaches have the upmost of training and professionalism, and will always push you to your limits. SAFETY is our number one concern. "God, Family, and CrossFit....everything else is bullshit!"

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sotts Press

Thursday 2010 10 07



12-15-6-15-12 reps of:

Dumbbell Squats 50/35 lbs
Medicine Ball Ground To Overheads 20/14 lbs
Sotts Presses 45/15 lbs

*On the Medicine Ball GTOH:  athlete must get the MB from ground to over head any way possible. At beginning of rep, ball must touch the ground, in the up position, arms must be fully extended with elbows locked, above head, then return to ground to a full rep. Athlete must not drop ball at any time. If ball is dropped at any time, that rep must be redone again, even if it's last rep.
*Sotts Press, athlete must start in squat position and in that position the entire time, press the bar above head, from behind the neck. Arms must be fully extended and above head for rep to count. In order to rest athlete must either place bar on back of neck in the standing posistion or hold bar by the thighs, but bar does not touch ground until all reps are completed for that round. If bar is dropped at any time, athlete must redo that rep, even if it's the last rep.

Post total time to comments or on Beyond the White Board: http://beyondthewhiteboard.com/workouts/96481-dumbbell-squats-medicine-ball-ground-to-overheads-sotts-presses/workout_sessions/new


CFE Interval
3 on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off, 1 on 1 off x 2 rds
7 min of: 3 snatches (115/75) and burpees
*with a continous clock, start with 3 snatches, then remainder of minute do burpees. Next minute again start with 3 snatches, then for the remainder of the minute do Burpees. Do this for 7 minutes. Count total burpees done, and post total.

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